Sunday, February 9, 2014

January sweater

January 31. I finished knitting and sewed in the ends of the sweater I decided to knit in January. The plan went as I wanted.

The sweater is from Knittingmagazine Yr. no 53 and is designed by an Icelandic designer, Svanhvit Kristjánsdóttir.

The pattern is well written and I found it easy to follow. The sweater should have pocket on it but I decided to drop them.

     It was great idea to blend together the  two yarn types from Sandnes yarn. The yarn I used for the sweater was kitten mohair and SISU  and the colors blended perfectly.

On February 1.  I went with my son to a yarn store to buy some buttons for the sweater. We decided to have them white with some gray tones so they would not be quite as noticeable.